Cleaning of Heat Exchanger is Key to Successful Industrial Operation
Heat exchangers are considered to be one of the most important elements of many of the critical systems.
Right from any power plants to any industrial chemical plants, you can name any kind of industries, where heat exchanger in certain forms will be the crucial aspect of their heat management systems.
That is the reason why all companies must take very seriously about heat exchanger maintenance as well as heat exchanger cleaning operation.
In case, there is any kind of failure or breakdown in your heat exchanger then it can always be a potential nightmare for the company.
There can also be any deadly event caused due to fire risks or even explosion. Therefore, it is very essential that proper arrangement and schedule must be available for proper cleaning of heat exchanger on a regular basis.
This can ensure that the heat exchanger will function correctly and efficiently and also the industrial operation will carry out in a normal manner.
Contaminants reduce efficiency
Proper maintenance and cleaning of heat exchangers will not only contribute to overall cost reduction but also long-term reliability of the equipment too.
Irrespective of whether heat exchanger is old or new, your heat transfer systems which will utilize water or any other coolant fluids can accumulate mineral scales or other oily contamination during its construction or operation.
This can reduce significantly the heat-transfer efficiency of your heat exchangers.
Due to lower scales thermal conductivity and other oil sludge that can build up may also contribute to inefficiency. As a result, not only the heat transfer but also surface area contact will get reduced.
You can use water scale solvent PES 400 to dissolve scale caused by the calcium carbonate present in hard water.
Even a slightest build-up of any rust or other type of scales can cause drastic reduction in efficiency of heat transfer. For example, a 1” thick steel piece coated with only 1/16” of rust will have the same characteristics of heat transfer as a 4” thick steel piece.
Both PES 400 and PES 450 water scale solvent can even dissolve varnish caused by the oil in various heat-exchangers.
Thermal conductivity will be at Risk
If you look at thermal conductivity of these scales then they will be of same range like insulation material. This kind of fouling should be removed to ensure the performance of your heat exchangers as per design specifications.
The rate of your heat transfer will depend upon how fast heat will be transferred. The method used by which heat will transfer is dependent on conductivity. This thermal conductivity will be affected by such build-up of material on tube wall’s both sides.
Cleaning of shell side is very essential
In the shell side lacquer, varnish, oil sludge, algae and foreign particles may build up. A cleaning technician of heat exchanger can always refurbish the bundles and make it almost like new.
Cleaning will result in proper control of the oil viscosity by properly controlling the oil temperature. It can help in maintaining pressure differentiation between seal oil and the generator’s Hydrogen Pressure.