4 Important Tips for Maintaining Your Tires

A well-maintained tire can last for 6 to 10 years, but a worn-down tire might only last for 3 or 4. Try these tips to keep your tires safe and road-ready for their entire lifespan.

Check Your Tire Pressure Every Month

One of the quickest ways to wear out your tires is to drive them without enough air. Underinflated tires break down more quickly, increase your gas mileage, and even make it more difficult to handle your car.

To combat this problem, check your tire pressure at least once a month. The recommended pressure for most tires is between 30 and 35 PSI, but you can find the exact specifications for your car in the owner’s manual or imprinted on the inner tire.

When you re-inflate your tires, remember not to inflate them quite to the maximum amount. Overinflated tires can wear out just as quickly as underinflated ones. For average tires, shoot for a PSI of about 33 to 34.

Replace All of Your Tires at Once

Even if only one tire has worn out, it’s usually a good idea to replace all of your tires at the same time. The status of your tires will impact how well your vehicle handles. If one tire is brand-new and at full pressure, it might lift your vehicle on that side, and the other tires will break down more quickly as a result.

In most cases, the solution is to replace all four tires at once. If three of your tires have plenty of life on them, your mechanic might recommend a different solution; but if not, assume that a full replacement is in order.

Rotate Your Tires Every 6,000 miles

The four tires on your car don’t always wear down evenly. Typically, the front tires take the most damage, and the rear tires wear down more slowly.

A great way to increase the lifespan of your tires is to rotate them on a regular basis. Typically, you should rotate your tires every 6,000 miles; if you don’t drive that far, you can also try rotating them once a year.

Any tire dealer will be able to rotate your tires. They’ll also re-inflate them, check for damage, and let you know when it’s time for a replacement.

Don’t Overload Your Vehicle

Did you know that your car has a weight limit? The amount of weight that your car can safely carry depends on the model; bigger cars can usually carry more weight than smaller ones. The average weight limit for a sports car is around 850 pounds. Check your owner’s manual to find out how much your car can carry.

These weight limits include both passengers and luggage. When you go above the weight limit, you put unnecessary pressure on your tires and decrease their lifespan. To keep them in good condition, never load more than your car is prepared to carry.

Your tires should always be included in your regular vehicle maintenance routine. When you check your tire pressure, look for obvious signs of wear or damage. Visit a mechanic or a tire dealer on a regular basis to ensure that your tires are in the best possible condition.

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